“I make works to help people understand who they are and through that, who I am. I've never met a stranger and people love to tell me things about who they are, just volunteering information within moments of meeting them. I think we can sense a person’s authenticity, and I have been called a lot of things, but fake is not one of them.”

It's about access. I think about it often. That is what my creating is about. Accessing those feelings, and thoughts I’ve experienced. Keeping them in a salient and almost tangible place to be accessible when I need them. It's mastering the power of observation & being in a place, mentally and spiritually, where you can access those feelings, thoughts, and energy to pour them out in the desired resting place for what they will become. This is something that must be cultivated and strengthened. Our existence depends on so much of who we are to us, but is threatened by how we are perceived by others.

We tend to devalue ourselves or others based on the way that we have been loved, primarily. The aim of my portraits is to shift the perception and perspective of both self and others by creating out of my love for people with the access they grant me.